Jai Mummy Di all song’s lyrics and videos. The blockbuster is starring Sunny Singh, Sonnalli Seygall, Supriya Pathak, & Poonam Dhillon. The film is directed by Navjot Gulati & produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Luv Ranjan & Ankur Garg under the banner Yash Raj Films. Music composition by Amartya Bobo Rahut, Tanishk Bagchi, Meet Bros, Parag Chhabra, Rishi-Siddhant, Gaurav Chatterji and Sukh-E Musical Doctoz with lyrics inscribed by Kumaar, Shellee, Siddharth Kaushal, Jaani, Ginny Diwan, Gautam Sharma and Gurpreet Saini.. The soundtrack album is released under T-Series label.