Originating from Arabic poetry, Ghazals are now one of the most respected musical genres with patrons spread across the globe that are diehard fans of this art. This soul stirring music is graced with quality poetry which is mostly in Urdu. The tracks depict a wide range of emotions but most of the songs used in Indian music industry are romantic.

While exploring the Ghazal culture in our country we came across exceptional talents that never enjoyed overwhelming popularities like their fellow artists. These singers mostly come from musical backgrounds and remain true to their teachings.  Many greats of this community also hail from Pakistan and since Urdu language is their mainstay we must admire their proficiency.

Although some would argue that this form of music is well ahead of its golden age we can assure you that new artists have revived this dying art like Ranjeet Rajwada and Richa Sharma. These artists have been able to capture imagination of young audiences with songs they can relate to.

The list comprises of greats like Jagjit Singh and Ghulam Ali who were known to give splendid live performances that left the audience spellbound.  These artists have so many great tracks to their name that including few of them seemed to be unfair.

No wonder people are still trying to outcompete Ghazal singers in various areas like vocal range, musical prowess and a baritone voice, which is essentially a god gift.  You are now ready to witness some of the best Ghazal tracks ever recorded.